our services

  • Strategy

    Organisations are expected to do more with less. Our partners operate with good intent and large deliverables. We support you to refine your deliverables to those that will have the biggest impact on your stakeholders through strategic planning, alignment to emerging opportunities, and industry-wide workforce planning strategies.

  • Strategic Policy

    Having the right policy solutions is not enough to achieve impact. We support our partners to build a policy narrative, aligned to the political climate, bring together a coalition of stakeholders, build a policy and advocacy platform, structure and deliver campaigns, and keep an eye on the quick moving policy environment.

  • Industry Research

    Having robust and credible research that underpins your strategy and policy proposals is key to delivering impact. We support partners to build workforce, workplace, industry-wide and policy research documents that clearly identify the impetus for change and impact it will make, including actionable insights.


  • Industry level workforce planning - We have delivered workforce plans at an organisational through to national level for the construction, defence, advanced manufacturing, clean energy, digital, and care industries for industry associations and government agencies.

  • Strategic planning - We have set and led the delivery against strategic plans for organisations of all sizes, from micro businesses to multi-billion dollar organisations, including defining strategic initiatives and owners, KPIs and establishing reporting frameworks for key stakeholders such as staff and Boards.

  • Strategic alignment to government priorities - We specialise in ensuring your organisational direction aligns with the broader policy and economic outlook of your key government and political stakeholders, capturing emerging opportunities for innovation and expansion. We’ve had successes in securing projects from hundreds of thousands, to over $15M from governments, and have impacted policy and regulation design spanning from skills, education, higher education, industrial relations, workers compensation, workplace health and safety to planning, housing, sustainability, economic development, net zero transition and more.


  • Policy submissions - With hundreds of policy submissions written, overseen and advocated for by Lauren, we can support you to write an impactful submission to open policy consultation, ensuring your voice is heard and your contributions carry weight

  • New initiatives - We support you to build out business case and stakeholder support for a new initiative. This would include clarifying policy alignment, identifying key stakeholders, crafting the narrative, building consensus and securing support.

  • Policy watch - Do you want to remain ahead of the policy environment, keep abreast of changes in your industry and understand what they mean for you? With our connections across Australia and the UK, both in the business and government stakeholders, we ensure your key staff remain informed and equipped to address the ever-changing operating environment.

  • Build a business case - We can support you to build a business case around your key priorities, with the intent on building support from key stakeholders and enhancing the impetus for change.

  • Policy platform - Do you need support in fine tuning your policy platform? Do you know what you want to change, but are unsure how to frame a evidence based, solutions focussed platform to succinctly and impactfully communicate this to your key stakeholders? With decades of experience in doing just that for the skills and property industry, we can help you develop your policy platform and launch it.


  • Have a workforce, workplace, industry-level or policy issue you want to solve? But lack the evidence to define or demonstrate the best outcome? We can help you identify alternative sources of data, unpack publicly available data or source data through quantitative and qualitative methods to build an evidence base and determine an outcome?

  • Unsure about the best way to analyse or present your data? Ensure you communicate clearly to key stakeholders. We can help you present you data in the latest, most impactful, and clear manner to support your case.